Worship Assistants

Below is the schedule for lectors, ushers, acolytes, communion assistants, counters and flowers.

Please take a moment to check it to see if you are scheduled this month.

Email reminders will be sent to you the week you are asked to serve.

We would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to help during the worship service as a lector, usher, greeter, communion steward, acolyte or offering counter. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to serve your church in this way.

The following is a schedule for the month of July.  There is also a list at the back of the sanctuary. If you are scheduled to be a worship assistant and do not feel comfortable doing this, let us know, and we will find a replacement, or you can find a replacement yourself.   If you have any questions or changes, please contact Lori at the church (712) 642-2820 or (402) 630-2556.

July 2024

July 7th   

  • Lector:  Jennifer Ferris
  • Usher(s): Dick Gorham & Joe Bertelson
  • Counter(s): Dick & Carole Gorham
  • Flowers:  Peter & Rachael Rea

July 14th  

  • Lector:  Patty Long
  • Ushers:  Calvin Rieber & Ron Halvorson
  • Communion Assistant:   Julie McClannahan
  • Counter(s):  Jeff & Jodi Fetter
  • Flowers:  Roger & Lori Clark

July 21st 

  • Lector:  Jodi Fetter
  • Usher:  
  • Communion Assistant: Dick Gorham
  • Counters:  Jeanie Botos & Peggy Smith
  • Flowers:  Jeff, Jodi, Jacob, & Hailey Fetter

July 28th 

  • Lector:  August Siefken
  • Usher:  Bill Botos & Peter Rea
  • Communion Assistant:  Ron Halvorson
  • Counters:  Peggy Marasco & Maddie McCartney
  • Flowers:  Peggy Marasco